Little Budders
Parents, carers and grandparents! You are very welcome to come and join us at our playgroup, run by St Peter's School, on a Thursday morning during term time - STARTING Thursday 9th November.
Held in the Venture Hall - Right next to the main school. Access via Moor Lane or through the gate on the playground after drop-off.
There is a also a sister playgroup on a Tuesday morning during term time:
- Every Thursday morning during term time
- 9:15 - 10:30
- Any pre-school children: birth upwards.
- Come and meet other parents/ carers.
- Run by school staff.
- Play, rhyme, songs and stories.
- Tea, coffee, milk and biscuits.
- Cost: donations towards costs.
Held in the Venture Hall - Right next to the main school. Access via Moor Lane or through the gate on the playground after drop-off.
There is a also a sister playgroup on a Tuesday morning during term time:
- The Tiddlers Toddler group meet from 9.30-11.00 in the Methodist Church at the end of Budleigh High Street.